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Apr 29, 2009 | by Kevin Loughlin

Spring PeeperThe Spring Peepers are singing! The PEeEP of one is a really cool sound. When there are hundreds, the clamor is deafening!

Last night I joined science teacher (and Wildside Nature Tours trip co-leader), Paula Mandracchia, and a group of students at the Game Farm Preserve on Game Farm Road (just west of the intersection with Hockle Road) in Schwenksville, PA. We were there to listen and look for peepers and other cool creatures of the night.
Moon Rise
Arriving before dark, we enjoyed the even birdsong as we walked down the trail to the ponds. Bluebirds sallied for their evening meal. An Orchard Oriole, a recent arrival from Central America, chattered from a bare tree. The Red-winged Blackbirds, harbingers of spring, sang strong and loud.
Pickerel Frog
We arrived at Paula’s favorite pond here (the only one with easy access to the edge) just as the sun set and the peepers started. Immediately one of the students found a peeper… then another… and another! We also found Pickerel Frogs all along the edge of the pond, springing into the water if we approached. For study purposes, we did capture a couple in a net. The students enjoyed the close-up looks before releasing them into the pond.
Since my favorite lens for this purpose crashed (and I am still waiting for the word from my insurance company) I decided to not bring any camera equipment and just enjoyed the frogs and the kids! Paula, however, took all these great shots to share with you!
photos © Paula Mandracchia

1 Comment

  1. giggles on April 29, 2009 at 6:17 PM

    GREAT job, Paula!!!!!!

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