MINNESOTA Feb 2019: Winter Boreal Birding – day 4

By Adrian Binns | March 2, 2019

Day 4 / Feb 24 – Sax-Zim Bog Our last full day in northern Minnesota was quite memorable. We started early amid frigid temps and wind gusts of 30-40 mphs, yielding a wind chill factor well into minus degrees. Overnight snowfall was blowing hard, reducing visibility, and sinking hopes of seeing the elusive Great Gray…

MINNESOTA Feb 2019: Winter Boreal Birding – day 3

By Adrian Binns | March 1, 2019

Day 3 / Feb 23 –  Sax-Zim Bog Fueled by Caribou Coffee, we headed back to Sax-Zim Bog in search of Great Gray Owl. Snow swirled early, but temps hovered at a balmy 30 degrees for most of the day. We tracked up and down highway 7, and snow-covered dirt roads, looking for any ‘large…

MINNESOTA Feb 2019: Winter Boreal Birding – day 2

By Adrian Binns | March 1, 2019

Day 2 / Feb 22 – Superior National Forest, Ely, and Sax-Zim Bog We were up and out early, for the drive north into Superior National Forest on a cold, clear morning. We hoped to reach the remote roads before logging vehicles moved through and spooked any roadside Spruce Grouse deeper into the woods. Vehicles…

MINNESOTA Feb 2019: Winter Boreal Birding – day 1

By Adrian Binns | February 21, 2019

Day 1 / Feb 21 – Duluth and Superior Our winter birding trip to Minnesota began in true seasonal style, with several cancelled and re-routed flights due to snowstorms in Philadelphia and Minnesota.  Eventually, nearly all of our group, including leaders Alex Lamoreux and Chris Brown (minus his luggage), along with Erin, Debbie, Ginny, Gary,…

Great and Double-crested Cormorants

By Adrian Binns | March 26, 2018

Along the Delaware River in Philadelphia we can find two species of cormorants – Great and Double-crested. While Double-crested is common and widely distributed throughout the US, Great is found along the northeastern and mid-Atlantic coast and the lower reaches of major rivers, such as the Delaware, leading to the Atlantic. With winter nearing an…

Where The Wood Warblers Are – 2018

By kevinloughlin | March 10, 2018

Do you want to know where your favorite warblers are right now? Check out these links to eBird for up-to-date maps of the most recent sightings of 55 species of wood warblers for 2018! Wood Warbler Species (click on species name to view a map): Ovenbird Worm-eating Warbler Louisiana Waterthrush Northern Waterthrush Golden-winged Warbler Blue-winged…

Minnesota Feb 2018 : Winter Specialties

By Adrian Binns | March 5, 2018

Minnesota provides a wonderfully-rewarding experience to birders who venture into frigid, snow-covered landscapes during the winter. This February, Tom Reed guided Wildside Nature Tours’ 4-day tour into the north country of the state, highlighted quality over quantity, as species are sparse this time of year. Owls are a big attraction especially during irruptive years, and…

Botswana Nov 2017: Okavango Delta

By Adrian Binns | February 20, 2018

Our last leg of the 12-day African safari was spent deep in the heart of the Okavango Delta, at the beautiful Xigera Camp. The location accessible only via plane, is a short puddle-jump from Savuti. From the air we marveled at the vast, colorful wetlands, featuring large swathes of greens, beige and blues reflecting a…

Botswana Nov 2017: Linyati

By Adrian Binns | February 19, 2018

Our African safari continued into Botswana, where we explored the famous Okavango Delta and Linyanti regions. The Linyanti concession, adjoining the western boundary of Chobe National Park, consists of mopane woodlands, riparian forest and ancient floodplains. After several years of drought, a decent summer rainfall filled the flowing Savuti Channel, which made our stay all…

Zambia Nov 2017: Toka Leya

By Adrian Binns | February 19, 2018

Transferring by bush plane from Zimbabwe to Botswana we had a brief one-night stay in Zambia at Toka Leya. Set within Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park on the banks of the Zambezi River, the beautiful tented camp is perfectly situated for a sundowner cruise towards Victoria Falls. Though one cannot get close to the falls, we enjoyed…

Zimbabwe Nov 2017: Hwange NP

By Adrian Binns | February 18, 2018

From Mana Pools we flew over the Zambezi and Kariba Dam to Hwange National Park in eastern Zimbabwe on the border with Botswana.  Hwange is Zimbabwe’s largest reserve, holding one of the highest concentrations of wildlife in Africa, in particular buffalo and elephants. More than 45,000 elephants roam here (considerably more than the area should…

Zimbabwe Nov 2017: Mana Pools NP

By Adrian Binns | February 18, 2018

  Our 12-day African safari began on the eastern edge of Mana Pools National Park in northern Zimbabwe. From our bush camps at Ruckomechi and neighbouring Little Ruckomechi, we enjoyed exploring a range of habitats teeming with wonderful wildlife. Elephants were among the first to greet us, as they roamed freely amongst the tents. We…