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The Heat Company

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The Heat Company Gloves

If you need to stay warm… try the The Heat Company’s layering system of gloves!

As a professional nature / wildlife photographer for over 35 years, Charles Glatzer had his share of frostbite and freezing fingers in cold climates around the world.

He had a container full of gloves and mittens from other brands that never kept his hands warm in the temperature and weather conditions advertised… and they didn’t offer the dexterity necessary to operate a camera.

After using The Heat Company gloves for several years many people began asking him where to purchase the gloves. Not being available in the US, he contacted the creators of the gloves and together with company sales representative, Valentin G., started making the gloves readily available to people in North America.

Constantly updating and adding to their impressive line, The Heat Company‘s new website will let you choose the gloves that fit your needs to stay as warm as Charles as he photographs Polar Bears or Penguins at the ends of the Earth!


Visit The Heat Company for more information and to purchase!