By kevinloughlin | March 7, 2017

  One of the most colorful denizens of the north woods, Evening Grosbeaks are on many a birder’s target lists when visiting northern locations, and they’re a favorite of the locals. I’ve made two trips up to Sax Zim Bog, and they were high on my list for each trip!   While it can be…


By kevinloughlin | February 26, 2017

  My father and I arrived at our first destination in northern Minnesota on a cold but sunny morning in mid February. Stopping in a church parking lot just east of Meadowlands Minnesota, we hopped out of the car to gear up as it was only 1 degree outside. Greeting us as we opened our…


By kevinloughlin | February 9, 2017

  Owls. There’s just something about owls. They are mystical birds that often capture the minds and hearts of all who behold them. They inspire a magical feeling within me, and while I am a nature lover in the most traditional sense, I’d be lying if I told you that I didn’t have some favorites.…

Into The Fold: How A Snowy Owl Captured The Heart Of A New Birder

By kevinloughlin | February 1, 2017

  On a cold, dreary Saturday morning, my father and I awoke at 4 a.m. in preparation for a trip to the Lake Erie shoreline. Northwest Ohio can provide a plethora of birding opportunities year round, and we had a feeling that we would not be disappointed. There were reports of Northern Saw-whet Owls and…

Species Spotlight: Razorbill

By kevinloughlin | January 23, 2017

  This past August, I was fortunate enough to visit Machias Seal Island. While most come to observe the Atlantic Puffins, this island holds far more than just one bird. It’s also home to Arctic Terns, Common Terns, the occasional Northern Harrier that finds it’s way from the mainland to hunt, and the feature of…

Species Spotlight: Boreal Chickadee

By kevinloughlin | January 10, 2017

  Denizens of the boreal forest, Boreal Chickadees are aptly named. These birds make their home in the coniferous forests of Canada and northern parts of the northern most states, these birds were one of my main targets on my visit to the Sax Zim Bog. Made up of Black Spruce, Tamarack, and a few…

Species Spotlight: Pine Grosbeak

By kevinloughlin | December 22, 2016

  The boreal forests of North America are full of amazing landscapes and wildlife. Viewing wildlife in these areas often means freezing temperatures. While not exactly the most favorable conditions for us humans to be exposed to for long periods of time, many animals flourish in the cold weather.     At 8-10 inches long,…

Species Spotlight: Virginia Rail

By kevinloughlin | December 12, 2016

  Have you ever found yourself walking through a marsh or swamp, only to be startled by an otherworldly sound coming from the reeds that you’re walking past? Chances are good that what you’re hearing is a Virginia Rail. Very secretive birds, they are rarely seen and usually only heard during their breeding season when…

Hunting for Long-eared Owls

By kevinloughlin | November 28, 2016

  Arriving in the parking area of an out of the way park in central Ohio, I was greeted with near darkness and cold temperatures. A good friend had decided to brave the weather and come out with me to venture into the wild in search of one of the most elusive owl species in…

Scoters, Friends, And The Ties That Bind

By kevinloughlin | November 16, 2016

  After a long week, I decided to spend some time alone on the shore of a local reservoir. A report had come in a couple of days before of a flock of Black Scoters and a possible Surf Scoter, and I thought I’d try my luck for some peace, quiet, and ducks.    …

Uganda: Leucistic Malachite Kingfisher

By Adrian Binns | November 14, 2016

While on our wonderful boat ride along the Kazinga Channel that separates Lake Edward and Lake George in Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park, we came across a leucistic Malachite Kingfisher. The bright orange bill and legs contrasting with all white plumage made this bird unique! Leucism is genetic mutation that occurs when melanin and other…

Uganda: Gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable NP

By Adrian Binns | November 12, 2016

  This was an exciting day, it is not often that one gets a chance to see Mountain Gorillas! After breakfast we drove the half mile to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park headquarters at Buhoma for our pre-trek briefing. Following our orientation, we were assigned the Rushegera group and the charasmatic Omac as our guide. 16…