By Adrian Binns | November 4, 2012

Sept 26:  The spring dawn chorus of Queensland, Australia provides a wonderful way to start any day.  I awoke to the loud, cracking call of a Eastern Whipbird, and, from the deck of our cozy treehouse abode, tuned in to many other birds singing their morning songs.  There was the “did you walk” call of a Brown Cuckoo-shrike, a yodel from…

AUSTRALIA: QUEENSLAND, Atherton Tablelands

By Adrian Binns | November 3, 2012

  Sept 25: Yesterday, we had just the briefest glimpse of one of Australia’s most elusive animals, the Platypus.  Today, at first light, Keith, the tall British owner of Kingfisher Park, led us back to the stream, where we were delighted to see the shy, amphibious creature swim silently past us.  A fantastic start to another day on our ‘Down Under’ tour!     Keith continued…

AUSTRALIA: QUEENSLAND, Daintree to Kingfisher Park

By Adrian Binns | November 1, 2012

  Sept 24: We got another early start on our ‘Down Under’ tour, starting the day with a pre-breakfast stroll along the Stewart Creek Road.  It was relatively quiet as we walked the forest edge adjacent to the Daintree River, but we did find Forest Kingfisher, a female Leaden Flycatcher, Varied Triller, Bar-shouldered Dove and the common Dusky…


By Adrian Binns | October 29, 2012

  Sept 23: My adventure in Australia continued on a foggy morning, with a pre-breakfast boat ride on the Daintree River.  Our group of a dozen participants filled the boat to capacity, under the very capable and charismatic local guide, Murray.  Barry and I went separately, with local guide “Sauce,” as in Worcester Sauce.  In fact,…

Photographing Shorebirds in Cape May NJ

By kevinloughlin | October 27, 2012

Growing up along the beaches of the Outer Banks of North Carolina, I have always had a fascination with shorebirds. Maybe it’s the difficulty that most birders have in identifying these little guys. It could of course be the hilarious behavior of some species like the sanderling that scurries up and down the beach with…


By Adrian Binns | October 27, 2012

  Sept 22: The third day of my Australian Tour began early, as several of us went out before breakfast, to explore the Cairns Esplanade.  This wonderful recreational area features picturesque palm trees lining a paved walkway that runs the length of Trinity Inlet.  Exercise was clearly the order of the day, with beach volleyball, jogging and various cardiovascular work-outs in full swing, even…


By Adrian Binns | October 26, 2012

  Sept 21:  On the second day of our Australian tour, we boarded the 110-passenger catamaran “Ocean Spirit,” for an all-day excursion to the edge of the Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef system in the world, and home to an incredible diversity of marine-based wildlife. This was our first, and longest, of four…


By Adrian Binns | October 25, 2012

Sept 20: Twelve participants accompanied me on a delightful trip to Australia in September, the beginning of spring for this southern hemisphere continent.  We toured Queensland and the Northern Territories, with an extension covering Western Australia and Tasmania, in search of avian species that inhabit this vast continent. We explored a variety of habitats –…

Galapagos Islands 2012: Part 9

By kevinloughlin | October 2, 2012

After breakfast we had our first wet landing on Rabida’s red sand beach. Our group viewed Caribbean Flamingos in the saline pools and climbed to a couple spectacular viewing areas.             Highlights of our hike included Galápagos Hawk, Lava Lizards, Prickly Pear Cacti with soft spines, diving Boobies and a…

Galapagos Islands 2012: Part 8

By kevinloughlin | September 30, 2012

  A Green Turtle greeted us for breakfast this morning before we took the dinghies to Santa Cruz and the Charles Darwin Research Station. We learned about the issues the islands are constantly facing with invasive species before getting to view the Darwin Station’s Giant Tortoises. We watched the various species of tortoises and iguanas…

Galapagos Islands 2012: Part 7

By kevinloughlin | September 27, 2012

    The afternoon hike was a trip up 355 steps to the Pinnacle Rock overlook on Bartolomé.     Highlights include spectacular (if windy) viewing areas, Grey Mat Plant, volcanic formations, and lava lizards. photos © Kevin Loughlin text © Sarah Winnicki

Galapagos Islands 2012: Part 6

By kevinloughlin | September 24, 2012

      ABOVE IMAGES TAKEN BY PARTICIPANT KEITH COSTIGAN After we made it back to the boat a portion of the group went snorkeling along Bartolomé with Galápagos Penguins, sea lions, White-tipped Reef Sharks and various reef fish.           A second snorkel was offered after lunch and featured penguins, sharks,…