BRAZIL 2011: A Magical Day at Cristalino

By Adrian Binns | September 28, 2011

Day 4 / August 14 – Our Brazilian Amazon adventures at Cristalino continued with a delicious buffet breakfast at the crack of dawn, followed by a few minutes admiring the Bare-faced Curassow (above) who wandered fearlessly around the reception pavilion, showing off for the gawking visitors!  Our guides Eduardo and George led us along the…

BRAZIL 2011: Alta Floresta to Cristalino

By Adrian Binns | September 14, 2011

Day 3 / August 13 – We awoke early, eager to embark upon the next leg of our journey into the Amazon.  A quick scan around the grounds of the Floresta Amazonica hotel at first light yielded Short-tailed Nighthawks, Fork-tailed Palm Swifts, Bare-necked Fruitcrow (below), and Sigrid, Janis, Sue and Marty found Black-girdled Barbet, White-tailed Trogon…

BRAZIL 2011: Birding the hotel grounds in Cuiaba and Alta Floresta

By Adrian Binns | September 13, 2011

Day 2 / August 12 – We enjoyed a lovely morning birding the grounds of Fazenda Mato Grosso in Cuiaba before checking-out.  We found ample avian activity in the trees at the end of the parking lot, before crossing a raised boardwalk to a large pond where we watched submerged caiman, lounging capybara, and a…

BRAZIL 2011: A bit of Chapada

By Adrian Binns | September 12, 2011

Day 1 / August 11 – Amazing birds, spectacular scenery, delicious food and delightful company all came together to create a wonderful two-week trip to Brazil’s Southern Amazon and Pantanal regions this August. Having all met up in Miami for our overnight flight to Brazilia, we arrived in Cuiaba, the capitol of the state of Mato…


By kevinloughlin | September 11, 2011

We remember all the lives lost on that day, while we also remember all the lives saved thanks to our brave first responders…

GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 19)

By kevinloughlin | September 6, 2011

The most notable endemic on Española is the Waved Albatross. The long-winged seabirds come to land only to nest and raise young. Española is one of only two islands on which they nest, and the other island, off the coast of Ecuador, has but a few pair. One reason they gather here is the fine…

GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 18)

By kevinloughlin | September 6, 2011

Española is my favorite island. The Gardner Bay area, with is white-sand beaches is nice, but my favorite part of Española is the trail from the Punta Suarez landing… the beginning of which is seen above. Along with the requisite sea lions are the endemic species of Marine Iguana that are typically red in color,…

GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 17)

By kevinloughlin | September 6, 2011

Española island is always full of surprises… and sea lions! Our visit to Gardner Bay was no disappointment. Gardner Bay offers a white-sand beach, loaded with sea lions. As soon as we put out our towels to enjoy some needed down-time, a young sea lion saw his chance and joined us for some small talk…

GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 16)

By kevinloughlin | September 5, 2011

The island of Floreana is ever-changing. Each trip I see these wonderful variations and never know what to expect next! On this tour the hyper-saline pool had but one distant flamingo. However, the beautiful patterns in the drying mud offered great photo opportunities! Often the water’s edge comes to the end of the trail… this…

GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 15)

By kevinloughlin | September 4, 2011

Honoring Uncle Bob The “Post Office” on Floreana The evening we arrived in Ecuador, August 1, I received the sad news that Uncle Bob had passed away. He was 92. Uncle Bob’s memorial at the Post Office Two years ago we honored Uncle Bob, who happened to be born on Darwin’s birthday, February 12. The…

GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 14)

By kevinloughlin | September 4, 2011

Black Turtle (Galapagos subspecies of Pacific Green Turtle)  Snorkeling at Floreana… again, few words are needed, just enjoy. Black Turtle (Galapagos subspecies of Pacific Green Turtle) Green Urchins and Pencil Urchin Snorkelers! (My brother and sister-in-law) Island Major Pyramid Sea Star Blue Sea Star Photos © Kevin Loughlin

GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 13)

By kevinloughlin | September 3, 2011

Elliot’s (White-vented) Storm-Petrels perform their feeding ballet in small groups… and sometimes in large groups of 30 or more! Brown Noddies pester Brown Pelicans after every dive in hopes of snagging some leftovers! Paddling through the mangroves of Black Turtle Cove on Santa Cruz offers more fun surprises. The mangroves are a nursery for many…