INDIA 2011: Delhi to Jaipur

By Adrian Binns | January 12, 2011

I have returned to India for the second time in two months, with this trip being my third within this time period. Our three week itinerary takes us around the Golden Triangle or tourist circuit, Delhi to Jaipur and Agra, then into the foothills of the Himalaya for the final week. The bulk of the…

PUERTO RICO: Between Tour Update

By kevinloughlin | January 10, 2011

Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo Today we finished the first of two Puerto Rico tours in January… the second one starts tomorrow! Trip reports will be added soon, however, on this ‘Endemic Dash’ we found 106 species and 16 of 17 endemics (the critically endangered Puerto Rican Parrot is always hoped to be seen, but never…

Off to Puerto Rico… again!

By kevinloughlin | January 5, 2011

Puerto Rican Spindalis The Puerto Rican Spindalis is one of 17 endemic species we will seek on our two trips to Puerto Rico this month. I write this from the Philadelphia International Airport as Tour #1 starts tomorrow! Our first trip will be the same as our trip on which the above photo was taken……

PERU 2010 – Part 10: Parrot Clay Lick

By kevinloughlin | January 5, 2011

Red-and-Green Macaws  Red, green, blue and white flashed everywhere as the Red-and-Green Macaws made their way to the clay lick this morning! It sometimes takes a while for them to get up the nerve to come into the open where they are vulnerable to predators, but eventually they seem to let down their guard. In…

INDIA 2010: End of a Delightful Journey

By Adrian Binns | January 2, 2011

Dec 13 – A morning mist blanketed Corbett Park, as we watched elephants leave the compound at dawn, guiding their patrons in search of tigers. Soon we departed ourselves, to begin the long drive back to Delhi. We birded along the way, seeing plenty of Himalayan Flamebacks and Lesser Yellownape woodpeckers, along with a group…

INDIA 2010: Corbett National Park – Part 2

By Adrian Binns | January 2, 2011

Dec 12 – The year’s monsoon rains have changed Corbett’s waterways considerably since I last visited the park. The Ramnagar river and reservoir have filled such that the view across from the Dhikala compound was a sheet of water. Gone are the grasslands where we would often see deer and elephants. Half the remaining grasslands…

INDIA 2010: Corbett National Park – Part 1

By Adrian Binns | January 1, 2011

Dec 19 – With eager anticipation we embarked upon our journey to Corbett National Park, India’s oldest reserve, established in 1936. A beacon of conservation, Corbett’s wide range of habitats covers over 1300 square kilometers, hosting a delightful array of wildlife species, including about 160 Tigers – none of which we saw! At the main…

INDIA 2010: Kosi River and Kumeria Forest

By Adrian Binns | December 31, 2010

Dec 10 – Our lodge was well-situated on high banks overlooking the Kosi River (above), a wide expanse of water riddled with rocks and gentle rapids, surrounded by the Kumeria Forest. We awoke to find that a very windy night had given way to another beautiful day, and we were eager to explore this lush…

INDIA 2010: The Mongoli Valley and Ramnagar

By Adrian Binns | December 30, 2010

Dec 9 – John and I were the only ones that made the pre breakfast trip up to Snow View (above). We hoped to find Hill Partridges but the number of local people now utilizing the slopes and disrupting the birds made it almost impossible. I was glad that everyone had gotten great views of…

INDIA 2010: To Pangot and Beyond

By Adrian Binns | December 29, 2010

Dec 8 – Armed with coffee and masala chai tea, Pam, John, Bob and I started our day before dawn, journeying to Pangot and beyond. Our goal was to see the most beautiful of pheasants, Koklass and Cheer, in the first hour of daylight. It took us over an hour and a half to travel…

INDIA 2010: Nainital and Sat Tal

By Adrian Binns | December 28, 2010

Dec 7 – After our long overnight train journey, we arrived in Kathgodam reasonably rested and ready to begin the extension part of our trip in the greater foothills of the Himalayas. Karan, our local guide, met us with smiles at 6:30am, and whisked us into a waiting van. We drove up a winding road…

INDIA 2010: The Taj Wonder and Overnight Slumber

By Adrian Binns | December 27, 2010

Dec 6 – Stepping inside the main arched entranceway, we are immediately enthralled with the magnificence of the famed Taj Mahal. No matter how many times I visit, it never fails to take my breath away. Inside the compound walls, it’s hard to turn your eyes away from this gorgeous mausoleum. The marble structure with…