INDIA 2010: Ranthambhore NP

By Adrian Binns | December 2, 2010

The Jogi Mahal on the banks of the main lakeNov 26-29 – The park is without doubt far greener than I have ever seen it and even the recent rains since my visit 2 weeks ago have raised all of the water levels. Consequently many of the prey mammals have dispersed. Our six game drives…

INDIA 2010 : Thanksgiving Tiger

By Adrian Binns | November 28, 2010

Nov 25 – At breakfast word quickly spread that Ranthambhore was open, much to everyone’s delight! While turkey is reserved for Christmas, today we were ecstatic to have Thanksgiving tiger! Though assigned Track 2, we were allowed to go on Track 3 as well as most of 2 was closed due to wet and muddy…

INDIA 2010 : Jaipur’ing Rain

By Adrian Binns | November 27, 2010

Nov 24 – We awoke to a heavy rain which is so out of character for this time of year. Our hoped for morning rising sun striking the Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds) was out of the question. The streets along the bazaar had flowing water a foot deep in some places with an assortment…

INDIA 2010 : Delhi to Jaipur

By Adrian Binns | November 26, 2010

Nov 23 – Pam, John, Kay, Joe, Mary Kay and Bob arrived a day early to rest up from the long journey to Delhi and take in some of the sights of old Delhi. It was a fascinating though long day for them. Kay suffered a slight mishap, scraping her shin while getting out of…


By kevinloughlin | November 25, 2010

Here’s one turkey that’s is certainly happy to be living in Guatemala! Ocellated Turkey video © Kevin Loughlin

INDIA 2010 : Marvel in Marble

By Adrian Binns | November 25, 2010

Nov 22 – The streets at Agra were relatively quiet at 7:30 am on our last morning of the trip which enabled us to beat the masses to the Taj Mahal. Once through the security checkpoint at the east gate we were in a large courtyard surrounded by red sandstone archways each leading to the…

INDIA 2010 : Keoladeo NP day 5 and Fatehpur Sikri

By Adrian Binns | November 23, 2010

Nov 21 – For our last morning in Keoladeo we had to cover a large distance. Peddling as quickly as we could we made it in about 35 minutes to the Mansarovar track. A Jungle Cat stalking a Rufous-tailed Hare was exciting to watch but less rewarding for the feline. Hundreds and hundreds of waterfowl…

INDIA 2010 : Keoladeo NP day 4

By Adrian Binns | November 22, 2010

Nov 20 – It was back to the Nursery to spend the morning looking for the thrushes. An Arctic Warbler was soon heard and seen just before the pillared entrance, as was a Common Wood-Shrike. An angry troop of macaques came screaming and running right through our legs as they chased some interloping scoundrel from…

INDIA 2010: Keoladeo NP day 3

By Adrian Binns | November 20, 2010

Nov 19 – The humid, overcast and rainy weather may have finally broken as today turned out to be just as Rajasthan should be at this time of year. Clear, pleasant daytime temperatures and cooler after sundown. Our two sessions in Keoladeo today was wonderful for the photographers and gave us a few new species.…

INDIA 2010: Bund Baretha

By Adrian Binns | November 19, 2010

Nov 18 – We picked up Jag and his father Sohan at Keoladeo’s main gate and headed about 40 kms west for a full day excursion to Bund Baretha. With the exception of the first 5 kms the road is barely one lane wide, extremely bumpy and consequently the short distance we covered took well…

INDIA 2010: Keoladeo NP day 2

By Adrian Binns | November 18, 2010

Nov 17 – Our day at Keoladeo was split into two sessions, returning to the Bagh for lunch and some R and R. We met Jag and the main gate and walked from their to the barrier and onto the nursery. Sadly Eric got a bit of the good old delhi-belly and Tammy stayed behind…

INDIA 2010 : Keoladeo National Park

By Adrian Binns | November 17, 2010

Nov 16 – We had a full day in Keoladeo NP, known locally as the bird sanctuary. This summer the monsoon failed to reach this part of Rajasthan, and what water we did see in the jheels was a result of a release from the local dam. To top it off a tigress has shown…