Veracruz 2010: Afternoon around Chichi

By Adrian Binns | September 27, 2010

Misha and Peter flew in from Australia and arrived in Veracruz a full day before the start of the tour. They enjoyed a restful evening and morning, before I picked them up on Sept 26th at their beachside hotel at 1:30 pm. We drove north along the scenic coastline, picking up a few birds on…

Raptor Migration: The Waning days of September

By Adrian Binns | September 24, 2010

We are about a month into raptor migration. Small numbers of certain species began migrating in mid-August. By mid-September good numbers of Bald Eagles have passed through the Delaware Valley and this last week saw the bulk of Broad-winged Hawks wing their way overhead on their journey to Central and South America. As the month…

Broad-winged Hawks on the Move

By Adrian Binns | September 21, 2010

The breeding season is over. The days are getting shorter. The winds have changed, and raptors have begun their journey south. We are currently in the middle of peak Broad-winged Hawk migration, especially here in the Delaware Valley. Today over 10,000 Broad-wings were counted at Militia Hill Hawk Watch, in Fort Washington, Montgomery County, PA.…

BRAZIL 2010: Chapada dos Guimaraes (Part 2)

By Adrian Binns | September 12, 2010

Late morning was spent in the Jamaca Valley walking narrow forest trails. Yellow-rumped Caciques worked a clearing as the first of three Tatalpa Tinamous quietly stalked through the leaf litter. Colorful male Band-tailed Manakins (above) displaying by shuffling along a branch was memorizing. A second manakin species, Fiery-capped Manakin, perched above the trail in a spot well…

BRAZIL 2010: Chapada dos Guimaraes (Part 1)

By Adrian Binns | September 11, 2010

Northeast of Cuiaba we entered the Chapada dos Guimaraes region. Unfortunately, the picturesque cliffs and valleys were heavily obscured by a strong haze of smoke. Local ranchers burn the ground to encourage fresh growth for livestock. Following lunch in the thriving village of Chapada dos Guimeros, and a few hours break at our pousada, we…

BRAZIL 2010: Serra das Araras

By Adrian Binns | September 9, 2010

The picturesque property of Pousada Curripira lay several hours north of the Pantanal, in the region of Serra das Araras. We visited this location specifically to see the Harpy Eagle, and were not disappointed! We arrived at midday, with time to enjoy a refreshing dip in the natural, stream-fed swimming pool and a stroll around…

BRAZIL 2010: Pantanal – Mato Grosso Hotel & Pixaim River

By Adrian Binns | September 8, 2010

Our last destination in the Pantanal centered around the Pixaim (pee-shy-eem) River, at Hotel Mato Grosso (above).  Located about half-way down the Transpantaneiro, our two nights at this location added many new species to our rapidly-expanding list. The lodge hustled to serve a delicious buffet to two busloads of people, the most we’d seen in…

BRAZIL 2010: Pantanal – Jaguar at Porto Jofre

By Adrian Binns | September 7, 2010

The next stop on my Brazilian tour was Porto Jofre, at the south end of the Transpantaneira highway.  Located on the banks of the wide Cuiaba River, this lodge caters to a large number of wealthy fisherman, as evidenced by the 35+ motor-powered boats and numerous staff to clean, cook and guide us.  It also…

BRAZIL 2010: Pantanal – Piuval (Part 2)

By Adrian Binns | September 6, 2010

While our mornings focused on the birds of the savannah and forest, the hot afternoons at Pousada Piuval were reserved for exploring the wetlands.  Over the course of our stay, we took two afternoon boat rides along the hyacinth-lined Piuval Lake, a vast expanse of water, even during this dry season.  We soon learned that…

BRAZIL 2010: Pantanal – Piuval (Part 1)

By Adrian Binns | September 6, 2010

It is only a short distance along the Transpantaneira dirt road to the Pousada Piuval (above), so-named for the Piuva trees which had just finished their brilliant pink blossoms. The rustic lodge was compactly located amid the sprawling fazenda – horses, cattle and peoes being the mainstay of the pantaneiro lifestyle. The dry, sparse open habitat held…

BRAZIL 2010: Pantanal – The Transpantaneira

By Adrian Binns | September 4, 2010

Brazil is a beacon for birders and wildlife enthusiasts, featuring a huge list of birds, impressive array of animals, and wide diversity of habitats within this mammoth-sized country. With great anticipation and enthusiasm, I embarked upon my first trip here, focusing on three major areas of Mato Grosso state: the Pantanal, Chapada dos Guimaraes, and…

An Afternoon at Chanticleer Garden (Part 3)

By kevinloughlin | August 29, 2010

Chanticleer Garden has many ponds with streams and small waterfalls. Its a great place to practice nature photography in a controlled environment (well, other than the weather). This Red-bellied Turtle poked its head up from the pond amidst a wonderful reflection of the surrounding grasses and flowers. One of the many water features at Chanticleer…