COLORADO: Sharp-tails, Scenery, Signs and Sage

By Adrian Binns | April 16, 2010

We have enjoyed some marvelous scenery this past week in Colorado, but today really stood out as stunning. The Sharp-tailed Grouse display on a lek framed by snow capped mountains, rolling hills, shimmering fields, sage brush and picturesque western wooden fences. It was an amazing experience to see these birds in setting. Arriving at very…

COLORADO: Canyons and Cranes

By Adrian Binns | April 15, 2010

Today’s highlights covered a variety of habitats, species and miles in the western part of Colorado. Our first stop of the day was on the outskirts of Grand Junction at the Palisades Orchards (above), where we quickly found our target Gambel’s Quail, sitting up on a brush pile in clear view. Sunshine and blue skies…

COLORADO: Gorgeous Gunnison Grouse

By Adrian Binns | April 14, 2010

It was a magical morning in Gunnison, Colorado, one where everything unfolded perfectly. We met our host at 4:30am and followed him to the Waunita Hot Springs lek. The sky glowed with the Milky Way, planet Jupiter and millions of twinkling stars. At 5am, about an hour and a half before sunrise, we were inside…

COLORADO: Into the Rockies

By Adrian Binns | April 13, 2010

Following yesterdays long day we were able to sleep in and leave at 7am this morning. Beginning in Canon City, the Valco Ponds (above) produced a pair of Black Phoebes and Belted Kingfishers that skimmed the water surface for a drink. There was a trio of female ducks swimming together, Common Goldeneye, Hooded and Common…

COLORADO: Dawn on a Kansas Prairie

By Adrian Binns | April 12, 2010

In pre-dawn darkness, we arrived at the Elkhart East viewing area. The music of the shortgrass prairie was already playing, with the melodious burbling of Horned Larks, sweet notes of meadowlarks and the cackling, bubbling sounds of the Lesser Prairie-chickens. Though we couldn’t yet see them, we knew they were there, engaging in their spring…

COLORADO: The Sandhill Dancers

By Adrian Binns | April 11, 2010

Booming, stomping, strutting, stamping, clucking, screeching and jumping. These are just a few ways to describe the incredible displays of the Greater Prairie-chickens. After decades of population decline, this remarkable grassland species is now recovering sufficiently so that Colorado has “upgraded” their status from Endangered to Special Concern. Under direction from the Wray Chamber of…

COLORADO: Gazing in the Grasslands

By Adrian Binns | April 10, 2010

Colorado weather has been kind to us; we began day two under bright sunny skies, temperatures in the 30’s and light wind and finished the day in the mid 60’s. Our first stop at Windsor Lake yielded few gulls, but great looks at Western and Clark’s Grebe, providing good comparisons. Other waterfowl included shoveler, Redhead, Ruddy…

COLORADO: Plains, Foothills and Reservoirs

By Adrian Binns | April 9, 2010

The Rocky Mountain range loomed large and beautiful before us on this bright, sunny morning. Crisp snow-capped peaks beckoned us as we drove north out of Denver, heading for our first stop of the day, Lagerman Reservoir (below). We didn’t find the reported Sage Sparrow, but enjoyed great looks at American Avocets, Western Meadowlarks, Black-billed…

COLORADO: The Odyssey begins in Denver

By Adrian Binns | April 7, 2010

Kevin and I arrived today in Denver, Colorado to begin the great “Chicken Odyssey.” I believe this is my 11th trip here, and each one brings new thrills and excitement. An inch of snow was on the ground and the temperature hovered in the upper 30’s. By early afternoon it had warmed up a few…

Bald Eagle Chicks Hatch at Tinicum

By Adrian Binns | April 6, 2010

Great news… for the first time ever, Bald Eagles have successfully nested and hatched two chicks at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum, Philadelphia. Female Bald Eagle at nest with 2 young – April 3, 2010  © Bill Buchanan It has been several years now that Bald Eagles have been present at the refuge. Regular…

Wood Ducks are Pairing Up

By Adrian Binns | April 5, 2010

A belated Happy Easter!   I do not have a bunny for you,  but rather the most beautiful of all our waterfowl. Wood Ducks have been pairing up (above, male -left, female -right) along the Wissahickon River in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. In a section of river near the Valley Green Inn, presently the males outnumber the…

KENYA: Simba on the Savanna

By Adrian Binns | April 3, 2010

Exploring the Maasai Mara, we were fortunate to enjoy fantastic views of Africa’s most famous predators – Simba – the king of the beasts. These majestic cats rule their land with strength and patience. Twenty different prides roam the vast grasslands of the Mara, and we were lucky to find two of them. We saw…