Common Birds?

By kevinloughlin | April 23, 2009

In the previous post we discussed rare birds which may be common in other regions. So how about some “common” birds? The Common Loon above is the icon of the north woods. Common in many parts of northern USA and southern Canada, its eerie wale is recognized by nearly everyone. So distinctive, it is oft…

Rare Birds

By kevinloughlin | April 21, 2009

I was recently asked, “What is the rarest bird you’ve seen?” This question actually comes up a lot during tours, and the answer is never really quick and easy. Rarities can be found anywhere one looks. For example, rarities show up in Cape May, NJ quite often — I remember one event in particular. A…

PA Young Birders Club… meeting 2

By kevinloughlin | April 19, 2009

We had our second meeting of the PA Young Birders Club and added a few new participants! Today’s group was 16 — 8 kids and 8 adults. A few from the last meeting could not join us today due to other commitments, but they let me know by email that they are still interested. We…


By kevinloughlin | April 14, 2009

What is that sound? drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr… I had been sound asleep. drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr… it was emanating from the water heater closet. drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr… Oh no, now what!? drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr… I opened the closet door to listen more closely. drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr… but it was coming from a place higher up. drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr… I went up to the living room and heard it…


By kevinloughlin | April 9, 2009

Now is the time to get out and look for the American Woodcock as it does its twilight courtship flight in our region. Once known as the Timberdoodle, a name with various guesses as to its origins, the woodcock’s courtship begins with a series of peeent calls in all directions. Then, without warning, he takes…

MEXICO: Monarch Majesty

By kevinloughlin | April 9, 2009

A while back I posted still images of the amazing Monarch Migration, but I enjoyed making the Alaska video so much I wanted to try something else! So here is a compilation of a few Monarch videos a took in Michoacan, Mexico last year. Next years trip will be February 14-20, 2010. Hope you can…

ALASKA: Dall’s Porpoise Encounter

By kevinloughlin | April 8, 2009

Alaska is an incredible place! There is so much to see and do, every day is full of unexpected adventure. As I was reviewing some of my images while creating brochures and web sites, I came across a couple of video clips from one of last summer’s Alaska adventures. I think the video speaks for…

Pirates of the Caribbean… Atlantic… Pacific…

By kevinloughlin | April 4, 2009

Frigate comes from a 16th century French or Italian name for a light, fast boat. Later the term was used to describe a fast, armament laden ship… the preferred vessel of the feared pirates. With a wingspan of over 7 feet and weighing in at only a little over 3 pounds, Frigatebirds are light and…

Alaska in Springtime?

By kevinloughlin | April 3, 2009

Most travelers hoping to visit Alaska plan their trips during the summer months in hopes of warm weather. However, springtime in Alaska offers incredible opportunities to view wildlife as the herring spawn gets into full swing. This event that spans up to three weeks attracts not only Bald Eagles feeding on the fish and gulls…

Book Review: Winter of the Fisher

By kevinloughlin | March 30, 2009

Winter of the Fisher by Cameron Langford ©1971 Yes, that is correct… this book was published in 1971. My mother’s church was cleaning out their library and when she saw the book in a stack on the “please take before they get tossed” table, she thought I might enjoy it. The book follows the life…

A Night Fit For Amphibians…

By kevinloughlin | March 27, 2009

They’re here! The conditions were finally right. It had rained off and on all day yesterday and the temperature hovered in the mid-40’s F. A drenching rain came before sundown and the temperature held. Lisa and I had a leisurely dinner, prepared the camera equipment and headlamps and left the house around 8:45 PM. We…

The Rocky Mountains

By kevinloughlin | March 25, 2009

In North America the Continental Divide rises from the Midwest plains to create the beautiful and majestic Rocky Mountains. Extending from northern Canada south into New Mexico, the Rockies offer incredible birding, wildlife and photography opportunities. Of the many locations in which I have hiked — including the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico, the Grand…