GUYANA – Part 5: Night Watch

By kevinloughlin | January 3, 2009

As the sun sets in the Amazon Basin, a whole new set of sounds emanate from the surroundings. Along with these sounds comes an opportunity to also see some incredible things… if properly equipped. We set out on the Rupununi River with headlamps and spotlights before sunset. Along the way, while it was still light, we…

ONTARIO – Part 2: The Big Three

By Adrian Binns | January 2, 2009

We were back on Amherst Island shortly after dawn watching a male Snowy Owl stalking prey and distant Short-eared Owls making their last forays before settling in for the day. It was far warmer and windier today and we seemed to dodge the snow they were calling for this morning. The open water around on…

Birds and Friends

By kevinloughlin | January 2, 2009

I recently received this photo of a juvenile Green Woodpecker from an old friend in France. I have never been to France. However, nearly twenty years ago, before I became an “official” tour leader, I joined some friends on a whitewater rafting trip to West Virginia. We were joining about 30 other people on the…

ONTARIO – Part 1: Amherst Island

By Adrian Binns | January 1, 2009

I am in Eastern Ontario on a 4 day trip having driven up from Philadelphia today. We caught the 3:30 ferry for the short ride to Amherst Island on Lake Ontario, and with light fading we headed straight to Owl Woods. In certain years this small patch of woods can produce a wonderful variety of…

Owling on Christmas Bird Counts

By Adrian Binns | December 28, 2008

Christmas Bird Counts are an excellent time to look and listen for owls. Early this morning I joined Paul Guris and Marty Dellwo on the Cumberland (NJ) count and we managed to call up 25 Eastern Screech Owls and 5 Great Horned Owls, our 2 most common eastern owls. While this may seem respectable for…

GUYANA – Part 4: Land of the Giants

By kevinloughlin | December 27, 2008

Guyana is a place of giants and of the ever so tiny. From the giant-sized Kaieteur Falls to the Giant River Otters who live in its waters. We came to Karanambu Ranch in central Guyana to find the Giant Anteater, which feeds on termites and ants in the surrounding savanna. The Giant Anteater is an…

Trail Safety

By kevinloughlin | December 26, 2008

No matter where in the world we are hiking there are dangers of which we must be aware. If you happen to be in Ecuador, hiking Papallacta Pass, beware of altitude sickness — drink plenty of water and take your vitamins. Wandering through the South American Rainforest, be alert for thorn-covered vines and tree trunks,…


By kevinloughlin | December 24, 2008

Puerto Rican Tody © Kevin Loughlin

GUYANA – Part 3: Kaieteur Falls

By kevinloughlin | December 21, 2008

Over an hour of flying and not a break in the forest. Pristine, high canopy rainforest spread beyond the horizon in all directions. Then the plane tilted and those on the left side of the plane saw it first… the “largest,” single-drop waterfall in the world. The captain circled around so those on the right…

James Bond. Spy or Birder?

By Adrian Binns | December 21, 2008

“Bond. James Bond”, three words that have a storied history in cinematic circles. James Bond is more popular today than ever, if we are to believe the box office success of the latest release, “Quantum of Solace” and its predecessor, “Casino Royale.” Why am I talking about James Bond on a bird blog? I’ll start…

Savor the precious moments

By kevinloughlin | December 19, 2008

Every moment outside is precious. When I am not traveling, however, I often get “stuck” behind my computer answering emails, working on web sites, designing brochures, handling the accounting… you get the idea.  A couple of days this week I was doing school programs in south Jersey. The programs were in the morning, which left me a…

Jesters of the Jetties

By Adrian Binns | December 19, 2008

While not leading trips out of the country, I enjoy visiting the local winter hotspots for birding and photography on sunny days. The jetty at Barnegat Light on the Atlantic coast in New Jersey north of Atlantic City remains one of the easiest locations to see exquisite Harlequin Ducks in winter. This fascinating uncommon (in…