GALAPAGOS 2010: Española’s Curious Hood Mockingbirds

By kevinloughlin | August 9, 2010

The mockingbirds on Española are unique, to say the least. One of four mockingbird species in the Galapagos the Hood Mockingbird is specific to the island of Española.They appear to be curious, however, they are actually begging for fresh water. Española has no fresh water other than the morning dew. What water they get is…

GALAPAGOS 2010: Española (Part 2)

By kevinloughlin | August 7, 2010

The sandy side of the island, specifically Gardner Bay, is home to many sea lions. They are considered an endemic subspecies of the California Sea Lion. They offer many photo opportunities and often come to close to photographers. Curious and playful… but to near to focus on… people must be aware that they are still…

GALAPAGOS 2010: Española (Part 1)

By kevinloughlin | August 6, 2010

The island of Española offer dramatic volcanic scenery as well as great birds and other wildlife. The south coast offer cliffs and rocky piles against which the waves crash and splash… often with gusto! A great place to rest, for both people and Nazca Boobies, the cliff above one a several blow holes offers a…

GALAPAGOS 2010: Arrival to the Islands

By kevinloughlin | August 5, 2010

It was great to be back on this my 11th trip to the Galapagos Islands! Each opportunity to visit offers new and different sights. Our first stop on this adventure was a new beach for me to explore — Tortuga Bay on Santa Cruz. The surf and currents here are dangerous, so we did not…

MAINE 2010: Amazing Puffins on Machias Seal Island

By Adrian Binns | August 3, 2010

I arose on Sunday to another beautiful day in northeast Maine. Beneath blue skies, a few puffy clouds and lovely warm temperatures, I embarked from Cutler harbor (above) upon the 40-foot “Barbara Frost” to begin the Puffin Tour. The waters were incredibly calm, like a sheet of glass, as Captain Andy Patterson (above) greeted the…

MAINE 2010: Bold Coast

By Adrian Binns | July 31, 2010

Our journey began yesterday afternoon, when we left Philadelphia. We broke up the long drive with a night in Portsmouth NH, then started early this morning to spend the day in Maine. And what a glorious day it has been! Under piercing blue skies and a few white puffy clouds, accompanied by Common Ravens, we…

Merlin in Delaware Co, PA

By Adrian Binns | July 29, 2010

I was very excited to find a perched Merlin on my evening walk. This was certainly a surprise!! Merlin’s are scarce migrants, but what makes this sighting notable is the date July 29 and location. We are still in summer, and it is normally at least another month before we begin to see this species move…

Cooing Crow

By Adrian Binns | July 28, 2010

On a neighborhood walk I was hearing the soft coos of what reminded me of a cuckoo, but I could never track it down.  A few days later I heard it once again. Because a cuckoo would be highly unlikely in this area, I figured it might be a dove, but then again it just…

ALASKA: The final view… LeConte Glacier

By kevinloughlin | July 25, 2010

Cole, our pilot, took this shot with my camera… great job! The official tour ended with our wedding, but Lisa and I stayed on to honeymoon for a few days in Petersburg, over the July 4th weekend. We had an amazing time in town and hiking around the many habitats on Mitkof Island. On our…

ALASKA: Baird’s Glacier

By kevinloughlin | July 25, 2010

This glacial valley was carved only recently (in geological time) and the many floods from ice dam breaks has continued to slow the growth of plants that will eventually take over. The glacier itself, seen in the distance, has not receded much in recent years, however, its height has dropped dramatically. A few years ago…

ALASKA: Meadow and Forest

By kevinloughlin | July 22, 2010

Venturing ashore in the Tongass Wilderness offers an amazing world within the temperate rainforest. The Tongass is our nations largest national forest at 16 million acres. This image actually shows the trail we were on as it winds up the hill through the dense vegetation! Rivulets, streams, rivers, waterfalls and cascades are everywhere! This tiny…

ALASKA: Day of the Whales

By kevinloughlin | July 22, 2010

It was cloudy and drizzling when we reached Five Fingers Lighthouse where Frederick Sound meets Stephens Passage. This is prime area for Humpback Whales and halibut fishing! At least 10 whales were individually bubble-net feeding. This is when they blow bubble to create a curtain surrounding the krill or herring, entrapping the prey before they…