Eduardo Martinez

Birding Guide



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About Eduardo Martinez

Eduardo Martinez is a Mexican biologist, bird monitoring specialist and birding guide with more than 15 years of experience guiding birding tours in Veracruz, previously for Pronatura Veracruz, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, the Hawk Migration Association of North America and other organizations. He is a former coordinator of the Veracruz River of Raptors Project and has been lead bander of their Raptor Banding Station for over 20 years.

Eduardo has also worked for the University of Arizona monitoring breeding birds of the Sky Islands in the southwest, and burrowing owls in southern California. He has also been part of the Arizona Bald Eagle Nestwatch Program for over 8 years. He is a founding member of the first birding club in Veracruz, Mexico, established in 2006 and helped create the three Christmas Bird Count circles in the region.

Eduardo Martinez's Upcoming Tours

Glenn Crawford and Eduardo Martinez


Glenn Crawford and Eduardo Martinez