DRY TORTUGAS – Seabird Specialties

By Adrian Binns | May 7, 2020

The Dry Tortugas is a premier North American birding destination to witness the spectacle of tropical seabirds. During our 3 day spring tour to these beautiful islands, we enjoy a variety of specialties including five species that nest only in this location within the United States. BRIDLED TERN  Onychoprion anaethetus often found feeding along sargassum…

ID BREAKDOWN – Puget & Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrows

By Alex Lamoreaux | May 5, 2020

There was a surge in sparrow numbers at our Ashland, Oregon bird-feeders today, and both of the expected subspecies of White-crowned Sparrows were present… 2 Puget and 3 Gambel’s. On eBird these are designated as White-crowned Sparrow (pugetensis) and White-crowned Sparrow (Gambel’s). Both subspecies are wintering residents here in the Rogue Valley, with Gambel’s being slightly…

IN THE BACKYARD: Philadelphia late April

By Adrian Binns | May 1, 2020

A wonderful mix of passerines have been in the yard over the last 10 days. Our summer breeders, Gray Catbird and House Wren arrived on the 29th, as did a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher that was busy flitting about the hedgerow.  It has certainly been a wonderful spring for Hermit Thrushes as they were very conspicuous through the…

Backyard Philadelphia – April 24

By Adrian Binns | April 27, 2020

Surprisingly there was only one warbler seen this week in the yard, but what a beauty the yellow Palm Warbler is. Eastern Towhees have been “tow-weeting” every day, sometimes more than one individual. We certainly have had our share of Hermit Thrushes this month and one continues, often found in the shady back corner but…

Backyard Philadelphia – April 17

By Adrian Binns | April 19, 2020

There has been a great of activity this week with Mourning Doves, House Finches and Cardinals all exhibiting courting behaviour. American Crows are busy on the periphery of the yard building their nest. Our male Red-bellied Woodpecker is busy putting the finishing touches to his nest, occasionally poking his head out of the hole to…

SPECIES SPOTLIGHT – Magnificent Frigatebird

By Alex Lamoreaux | April 13, 2020

The Magnificent Frigatebird is one of the most well-known seabirds throughout the American tropics. Most birders recognize this species for the inflatable red gular sac shown on adult males; but their remarkably long wings, forked tail, and pirate lifestyle make this species an incredible sight. ‘Magnificent’ certainly isn’t an understatement! In fact, frigatebirds have the…

Backyard Philadelphia – April 8

By Adrian Binns | April 8, 2020

I’m amazed at the variety of birds I see in my yard. Located in densely-populated suburbs of Philadelphia, my property is only a quarter-acre in size, but chock-full of native shrubs, perennial garden beds, and an assortment of mature trees. My feeder station is front and center, attracting year-round resident and migratory species. We’ve tallied…

Return from the Wildside

By | March 19, 2020

In the last week or so our family of guides and clients headed home from numerous adventures. Some returned simply because their tours were over. A few made their way home early, out of necessity or concern in the midst of the global crises we now face. (Read our COVID-19 update HERE.) We are all…

2 Things We Love About Space Coast

By | January 29, 2020

Every January the Wildside team heads to Florida to attend the North Shore Birding Festival, and the Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival. As photography workshop and birding field trip leaders, we enjoy exploring Central Florida with our extended Wildside family. The “Space Coast” is a wonderful place to the start the year! Its wealth…

Where on the WILDSIDE are we?

By | January 10, 2020

Any given week of the year, it is probable that at least one of our Wildside guides are leading a trip somewhere on the Wildside. Pretty often, in fact, almost everyone on the Wildside team is off on an adventure! Where are we this week? Let’s see… Yellowstone National Park Kevin Loughlin and Lee Hoy…

SPECIES SPOTLIGHT: Morelet’s Seedeater!

By Alex Lamoreaux | March 22, 2019

The Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas marks the northernmost extent of many Mexican species’ ranges and one of the most sought-after (and also one of the cutest) targets in the Valley is the tiny Morelet’s Seedeater. If you don’t recognize the name it is because in July 2018 the American Ornithological Society announced a…

MINNESOTA Feb 2019: Winter Boreal Birding – day 5

By Adrian Binns | March 3, 2019

Day 5 / Feb 25 – Sax-Zim Bog  This morning dawned cold, clear, and quiet. We departed our hotel early, with few words exchanged, knowing this was our final chance to find the elusive Great Gray Owl. We smiled at the brilliant sunrise that flashed double sun dogs. Our vehicle registered minus-16 degrees in the…