
eBird Tips & Tricks: Have checklists shared automatically!

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Jun 1, 2021 | by Alex Lamoreaux

Our birding tours are thoroughly documented through eBird checklists by our guides. It is our preference that guides share the official tour checklists with our guests, and eBird makes it super easy for checklists to be automatically added to your personal account by following the instructions below!

Go to your My eBird page: https://ebird.org/myebird

Find your username!

Your custom username is listed right under your actual name in the top left corner of the My eBird page. Text or email this username to your tour’s guide. They will need this username to share checklists directly to your account.

Next click on ‘Contacts‘ under the heading ‘Manage My…‘ along the left-hand column of the My eBird page.

Under ‘Add a Contact‘ enter the username provided by your guide and press ‘Add‘. Your guide’s username and their actual name will now appear in your ‘All Contacts‘ section directly below. Finally, tap the square in the right column labeled ‘Friend?‘.

Now your guide will be set as your eBird friend and all checklists that they share to you will be automatically accepted into your eBird account. From there you can view and edit the checklists at your leisure!

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