
Kevin & Lisa’s Yard #2

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May 15, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
We will be in our new house two weeks as of tomorrow and it is exciting to watch our yard as new surprises are revealed. My yard bird list now stands at 43! I added Blackpoll Warblers today and the Gray Catbirds arrived a few days ago, just after seeing my first Brown Thrasher in the yard!
Time has been limited as we prepare for our furniture to arrive on Wednesday. New carpets and flooring, painting and basic updates as well as running back and forth between our two homes gathering items the mover won’t take, all gobble time away. On top of all this I have been teaching workshops and giving presentations nearly every day. Wednesday this week I had three in one day!
However, one of the gardens in the front has sprouted a wonderful bed of irises so while the carpets were being installed I took a few minutes with my camera to grab a few shots… one of them above.

As I mentioned, the bird count now stands at 43 species seen from our yard. Looking from the edge of the deck (right next to my office window!) we can see the wonderful woods separating us from our nearest neighbors. Over the coming months we will begin to transform the yard into a bird haven with feeders and eventually a water feature or two. Someday I would like to add a small pond… we’ll see! As we progress I will share the product of our work and hopefully many bird, butterfly and other back yard wildlife images!

text and photos © Kevin Loughlin

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