
ABA 2011 Bird of Year

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Apr 4, 2011 | by Adrian Binns

The latest issue of the American Birding Assocation’s (ABA) magazine Birding has arrived. On the cover is a wonderful drawing by Louise Zemaitis of an American Kestrel perched on a snag overlooking the forest at Tikal in Guatemala.

The American Kestrel has been chosen by the ABA as the 2011 Bird of the Year. This is a new initiative that the ABA has started to promote birding by supplying its members with a small sticker that can be placed anywhere, to show your ongoing support for the organization. I have chosen to place my stickers on my rain guard (above) and binocular barrel (below), where people can see it when I am out in the field.

It will be a great conversation piece, talking about how it is that we can help the American Kestrel in our area…conservation…birds and birding…the ABA, etc.

For more information on the American Birding Association click here, and if you are not already a member, please consider joining this wonderful organization, that provides a wealth of information about the wonderful birds that are around us.

photos © adrian binns


  1. Anonymous on April 5, 2011 at 6:11 PM

    I've been told that the ABC puts more of its money into conservation for birds than the ABA does. Comments?

  2. Adrian Binns on April 26, 2011 at 6:16 PM

    ABC and ABA are two different types of organizations with different agendas hence the likelihood that ABC does indeed put more into conservation.

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