
Mid Atlantic – Day 2

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Oct 24, 2016 | by Greg Miller
Hawk Mountain - South Lookout - near Kempton PA - 10/24/2016

Hawk Mountain – South Lookout – near Kempton PA – 10/24/2016 – photo by Greg Miller


Well. Well. What a day! We birded Peace River Valley first this morning then drove to Hawk Mountain west of Allentown, PA. It was a gorgeous day! And the hawks were flying. Highlights included 3 Northern Goshawks and 2 Golden Eagles!

Insanely beautiful drive up Hawk Mountain - 10/24/2016

Insanely beautiful drive up Hawk Mountain – 10/24/2016 – photo by Greg Miller


We ate an early dinner and drove to a banding station west of Hawk Mountain where we were given an overload of cuteness. Northern Saw-whet Owls!

Northern Saw-whet Owl

Northern Saw-whet Owl – photo by Greg Miller


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