
PA YOUNG BIRDERS : Kids Get Out and Bird

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Jun 13, 2012 | by Adrian Binns

“Kids Get Out and Bird” attracted two dozen enthusiastic young birders to Rushton Woods Preserve last Saturday June 9. The program focused on finding nests which were prolific at the preserve during this peak time of avian breeding. 

We discovered and studied the nest locations, composition and design of eight different species – Carolina Chickadee, House Wren, Tree Swallow, Eastern Bluebird, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Mockingbird, Wood Thrush (above) and Barn Swallow. 
Each of these species exhibited different nesting preferences. Some built cup-shaped nests in shrubbery while others chose a cavity in which to raise their families. The kids took turns recording our observations on a special data collection sheet and watched in delight as Blake, Lou and Kiera banded four young bluebird chicks. 

We concluded this wonderful morning with snacks and drinks while the kids drew pictures of birds and nests. Thanks to everyone who helped make this “Kids Get Out and Bird” annual program a success.

all photos © adrian binns

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