
Colorado Greater Sage Grouse

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Apr 26, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin

This was my favorite video from our Colorado Chicken Odyssey. This was my first time doing this tour with Adrian and I had a blast! Our weather was unusually warm, and we saw many fun species and enjoyed many grouse and chickens performing on their leks. I hope to get more videos posted on our web site soon!

video by Kevin Loughlin


  1. Adrian Binns on April 27, 2010 at 12:16 AM

    It is wonderful to relive this superb avian spring spectacle. Notice that at 1.05 mark Kevin has captured the dominate male mounting a female for about 10 seconds. This has to be one of the longer matings that we witnessed! Though there are two males in the center of the lek, it was only this one male that did all the mating on this day – about a dozen different females in all.

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