
San Diego Audubon Bird Fest

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Mar 4, 2012 | by Kevin Loughlin
The Wildside Nature Tours booth at the San Diego Bird Fest.

Greetings from San Diego! The San Diego Audubon Bird Fest is still on through today and so far has been a great opportunity to talk with many wonderful people about our trips.

View from the other side of the Wildside booth at San Diego.

Just before departing for San Diego I designed a new background and had it printed by Swirling Silks in Skippack, PA. I had then print it as a double sided backdrop, just in case I could show both sides and I am glad I did! Using different images on each side I have been attracting a lot of attention and people have been taking pictures of it! What a great way to have them remember the Wildside name!

If you are in San Diego, be sure to drop by our booth before the end of the day to say hi!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin 

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