Oct 24, 2019 | by
We are headed to the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival in November! This festival takes place Nov. 6-10 2019, in one of the most unique birding destinations in the US. With more than 500 species of birds to choose from – including Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Greater Roadrunner, and Aplomado Falcon – the Lower Rio Grande Valley is a fantastic place to explore in the fall, and a pleasantly warm escape from the growing frostiness in our northern states.

Chris Brown
During the festival several of our Wildside leaders will join the field trip team. Alex Lamoreaux and Chris Brown will help share the wetlands, woodlands, palm-fringed resacas, and the many legendary birding hotspots that fill this unique 4-county region, picking up tropical specialties and possible Mexican vagrants along the way. We are expecting Audubon’s Oriole, the full sweep of kingfishers (Belted, Ringed, and Green!), Grey Hawk, and of course the iconic Green Jay and Plain Chachalaca.
Alex Lamoreaux guides our ‘TEXAS: Rio Grande Valley in Fall‘ tour, which leaves immediately after the festival. It is one of his favorite places to explore and share with our participants. We asked him what makes south Texas so special and interesting year after year.

Black-throated Green Warbler on South Padre Island, TX
Look for Alex and Chris in the field during the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival, and be sure to stop by our booth at the festival headquarters in the Harlingen Conference Center. Greg Miller and Sally Ingraham will be there to answer your questions and help you plot your next adventure on the Wildside!