
July Photo Quiz – Tails

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Jul 6, 2009 | by Adrian Binns

I have chosen three images that will, hopefully, offer a little something for everyone. Images of these resident breeders were taken within the last year, in eastern North America.

Image #1

Image #2

Image #3

Answers will be given next week.

all photos © adrian binns


  1. giggles on July 9, 2009 at 10:40 AM

    OK…. I'll go out on a limb….

    First one? Actually not a CLUE!! Tail's too short to be a robin, but the coloring directs me there… So… I know I'm wrong… tufted titmouse?? Slate colored junco?

    2. Woodpecker? First guess Downy, second guess hairy… How many guesses do I get? 😉

    3. Wren? house or Carolina.

    Now, no judgements please…. I'm publically making a fool of myself!! (And too lazy to consult any written literature or photo references…!)

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