
Galapagos Islands Adventure 2009 – Part 7

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Aug 20, 2009 | by Kevin Loughlin

The island of Bartolome and, more specifically, Pinnacle Rock is the most recognized and photographed landscape in the Galapagos Islands. Bartolome, including Pinnacle Rock is made up of volcanic tuff. At one time there were more pinnacle rocks in the Galapagos. Unfortunately during WWII, fighter pilots used the rocks for target practice. The pinnacle on Bartolome was the only one that survived.

372 steps take us to the top of Bartolome to get the best view of pinnacle rock. A slow and easy climb, it is well worth the effort!
Along the way a few Lava Cacti — one of the first pioneers to take hold on volcanic soil — can be seen.
Another pioneer plant known as tequilla or silver mat plant covers the north side of the island. During the rainy season it becomes more green, the rest of the year it is gray or silver.
This Mars-like landscape was seen in the Schwartzenegger movie, Total Recall. The red rock definitely matches our perception of Mars, and the parasitic cones, where lava and gases burst from the sides of the volcano, add to the other worldly landscape.
From the top of Bartolome, looking down over Pinnacle Rock and Sullivan Bay, one can imaging the good doctor from the Russell Crowe movie, Master and Commander, spotting the French ship preparing for battle.
It was here that I pulled the ring from my pocket and presented it to Lisa and “popped the question!”

Next island… Santiago and Black Turtle Cove…
photos by Kevin Loughlin
photo of Kevin & Lisa by Jaime Santiago


  1. giggles on August 21, 2009 at 9:34 AM

    Well, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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