
KENYA: Bone Scavengers

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Dec 26, 2009 | by Adrian Binns

At the Samburu Serena a nightly ritual is to put out a handful of meaty bones for the Nile Crocodiles (above) that bask in the waters of the Ewaso Nyiro River. We see their green eyes glowing in the evening spotlight on the river. An African Civet is also attracted to the leftovers.

The crocs prefer the meatiest bones, leaving the Hooded Vultures (above) to pick off any remains at daybreak.

Palm Nut Vultures (above) also join the scene.  Though the majority of their diet consists of their namesake Doum Palm Nuts, they are certainly not immune to helping themselves to a free piece of meat when the opportunity arises.

Fan-tailed Ravens (above) queue up for a piece of the pie, while a Yellow-billed Kite quietly glides over the scene, deciding whether the effort would be worth it.

Birds are not the only ones interested in this meal, as Africa’s second largest reptile, the Monitor Lizard (above), comes strolling in with its forked tongue constantly flicking out as it smells an easy meal.

all photos © adrian binns

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