
MAINE: Puffin Journey Part 6 | Back to the Puffins

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Jun 9, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin

Similar to the image from my first Maine blog entry, this image was taken at the same place, but on a brighter, less foggy day. I much prefer the more apparent crispness of the puffin as well as the wonderful blue of the water and the birds reflection.

Our ship, the Wanderbird, is in the background as the puffins fly across the bow of our skiff. A fitting end to our puffin journey.

From only one pair of puffins in US waters in 1901 to over 1000 pair today, what a great success story in conservation. Hats off to Stephen Kress and the Project Puffin staff! For more info on the project go to:

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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