
PA 2010 Junior Duck Stamp Winners

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Oct 26, 2010 | by Adrian Binns

During the recent National Wildlife Refuge week, the PA Junior Duck Stamps were on exhibit at John Heinz NWR. Once again there was a wonderful showing of waterfowl artwork from some very talented youth. Below is a selection of artwork the that most impressioned me.

“Pintail in the Mist” by 13 year old Wesley Geib

12 year old Neal Sowers pastel rendition of a Snow Goose was outstanding.

“Days on the Lake” featuring a pair of Northern Shovelers by Lindsay Lutz

Best of Show went to Ciara Davis’ Hooded Mergansers in a composition called “A Foggy Day”.

The Best of Show from each state went on to compete with the best from each state. The prize to the 1st place winner – the 2010-2011 Junior Duck Stamp. That was awarded to Rui Huang of Ohio for a drake Hooded Merganser. 2nd place went to Pennslyvania’s Ciara Davis for her Hooded Mergansers (above).

Congratulations to all the thousands of youths throughout the country that participated in this wonderful event, and to those outstanding student artists that had their work exhibited. Keep up the brilliant work.

The $5 stamp is sold at post offices and online. Purchasing one is a great way to show your support for our wonderful wetlands.

For more information on the Junior Duck Stamp program, click here

all photos © adrian binns


  1. elise on October 26, 2010 at 8:15 AM

    These are AMAZING!!! To be so young and talented!!!!

  2. Adrian Binns on October 27, 2010 at 7:54 AM

    It is wonderful to know that so many school children throughout the country are involved in such a program that teaches them about the importance of wetlands. Indeed, they are truly talented artists.

    If they know a species (and they certainly do), then they can more easily relate to the importance of saving its habitat.

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