
Puerto Rico Endemic Dash | January 2011 (Day 3)

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Feb 8, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Puerto Rican Spindalis (female)

 This morning was full of song. Eating breakfast was difficult as interruptions were frequent. Antillean Euphonias, Puerto Rican Bullfinches and a pair of Puerto Rican Spindalis were definitely highlights.

Saddlebags sp.

 A visit to Laguna Cartegena offered lots of dragonflies and a few butterflies as well as another Masked Duck, West Indian Whistling Duck, Glossy Ibis and Sora.

Green Iguana

 Unfortunately, introduced Green Iguanas are also quite common here and elsewhere in Puerto Rico. They are pushing out many of the native species of reptiles.

Lesser Yellowlegs

Cabo Rojo, our next stop offered many shorebirds… Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpipers, Black-necked Stilts and a few Short-billed Dowitchers.

After a quick visit to La Parguera to see a small flock of Yellow-shouldered Blackbirds, we headed off to Guanica in search of the Puerto Rican Nightjar.

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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