
PERU 2010 – Part 19: Machu Picchu

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Feb 1, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Our final location on this trip was the magnificent Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. This marvel of architecture was built in the 1400’s, before the arrival of the first Europeans. It was used for about 100 years, until the Spanish Conquest helped diminish the Incan population through war and disease, although the Spanish never actually found the city.

We initially took a train from the outlying city of Ollantaytambo to the entrance city to Machu Picchu, Aguas Calientes.

From there we took a bus up the mountain before hiking even higher to go through the ruins.

The design and craftsmanship of the blocks is stunning! The structure with the curved wall is the “observatory” with windows facing the directions of the seasonal equinoxes.

Any visit to Peru is incomplete without a visit to Machu Picchu!
photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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