
PERU 2010 – Part 16: The Next Canopy Tower

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Jan 28, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Saddle-back Tamarin

As we gathered our gear to head off to the next canopy tower, just a short walk from the lodge, we heard the chips and twitters of, not birds but primates, Saddle-back Tamarins to be exact. They gathered at a fruiting tree to enjoy a snack, posing for picks!

Saddle-back Tamarin

However, this guy decided that he preferred to remain photographically anonymous!

Screaming Piha

As we headed off into the forest along we began to hear the iconic rainforest sound of Screaming Pihas high in the canopy. Rarely do we get to see this bird at lower levels and, much like spring warblers in the states, they can cause sore necks for fleeting glimpses like the shot above!

The lodge’s canopy tower offers a metal spiral staircase that is best climbed one at a time. But once to the top the view is wonderful and you never know what might show up!

Bare-necked Fruit Crow

A small group of Bare-necked Fruit Crows chose to hang out just above us for quite a while. It was a very overcast day, and light was low, so even though photos were difficult to get, great binocular views were had by all!

Red-necked Woodpecker

Many great species were seen including Striolated Puffbird, Gilded and Lemon-throated Barbets, Channel-billed Toucan, Blue-crowned Trogon and beautiful Rode-fronted Parakeets.

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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