
PERU 2010 – Part 13: The Canopy Tower

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Jan 24, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Great Potoo chick

This Great Potoo chick was one of many great sightings on a beautiful morning in Manu! He hasn’t quite learned to “be the tree” as yet!

Masked Crimson Tanager

Standing out even more, brilliantly colored Masked Crimson Tanagers came through our tree in a small flock. They offered great looks from all angles!

White-lored (Golden-bellied) Euphonia

 This little euphonia stayed and posed for quite a while. Not as boldly colored as most euphonias, her certainly lives up to whichever name is used in your current list… White-lored or Golden-bellied… maybe Euphonia chrysopasta would be best used!

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker
We had as many as three of these wonderful woodpeckers in our tree at one time! At least one stayed around for quite awhile, offering a few good photo opportunities.
Our group on the tower platform… 150+ feet above the forest floor!

A great group on a great morning of birding!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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