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Jul 29, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin

In three days I will be headed back to the Galapagos Islands! Having been there more than a dozen times, people ask me if it’s getting ‘old’. NO WAY! The Galapagos had been on my bucket list since I was an 8 year old watching a Disney special on Darwin and the Galapagos. I was always excited so see another TV show, video or book that gave me more views of the unique wildlife to drool over.

By the time I was able to visit the islands for the first time, over 30 years later, the pedestal I had placed the Galapagos on was incredibly high. We all know how that typically goes. However, there was no disappointment for me on my first Galapagos adventure. In fact, during that trip I realized that the pedestal I had built was not yet high enough!

The wildlife doesn’t change, though I always see new behaviors and other surprises. However, sharing the adventure with other first time visitors always adds a fresh dimension. Seeing the excitement and wonder on their faces bring the memories of my first visit back and transports me to that place of awe and wonder of that 8-year old watching that special on a 17″ black-and-white TV!

We still have space on our September 30 – August 10, 2011 Galapagos Adventure! Join us before the New Regulations take effect in 2012!

photo and text © Kevin Loughlin

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