
Apple’s Service Rocks!

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Jul 12, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin

Yes, Apple’s computer service rocks! However, about the middle of last week, I was not thinking the same thing — I had a few choice words to say. Those who have traveled with me know how much I love Apple products and have been using them since 1985! So here’s the story about my MacBook Pro 17″ that was purchased in March 2009.

About 10 days ago I noticed my ‘E’ on the keyboard was not working properly. The word ‘weekend’ would look like ‘weknd’. It work sometimes but not always. After a few days of frustration I went to YouTube to see a video on how to properly remove the key to clean underneath. I followed the directions and found nothing under the key that would cause the issue. I replaced the key and continued to work. The issue got worse. The E stopped working all together. Then the O stopped… the the top row between the E and O!

I made an appointment at the Genius Bar and took my ailing laptop in for inspection. They determined that the keyboard/top cover assembly needed to be replaced. I was told 1 – 3 days once the parts were in. A couple days later I got a call that they had to order a logic board as well… another 1 – 3 days. Then a couple days later I received another call that another logic board was needed… no further explanation. Another 1 – 3 days was needed.

At this point I was very frustrated as my computer is business-critical, and they knew that. I called the nation number for Apple service to try to get something done. They spoke with the store and offered no more detail about the delays, however, they promised that if I did not have my computer in my hands by Friday that they would look at other options.

Jump to Thursday night… the phone rang at about 9:30pm. The Apple Store. Apprehensive I answered… “Please give me some good news!” The response was, “First the bad news. We can’t figure out how to fix your computer. The logic boards we put in keep flaming out! Now the good news… we are going to give you a brand new, top of the line 2011 MacBook Pro 17″ to replace it!”

So here I sit, typing on my new, hyper fast laptop looking forward to taking advantage of all my new-found speed and productivity!

Thank you Apple!

text © Kevin Loughlin
image from the Apple web site


  1. Patrick B. on July 12, 2011 at 5:12 PM

    Wow! They are awesome. They replaced my friend's burned out video card at no cost on a 3 year old non-warranty computer.

    -Patrick (sadly a PC user, who should have listened to his MAC-loving friends the last time he bought a new laptop)

  2. Chase on July 15, 2011 at 11:16 AM

    Wow I wonder if I brought in my Titanium Powerbook if they would do the same…However I dont want to get rid of it, i just want it fixed. ha

  3. TexasBrian on July 16, 2011 at 9:54 AM

    Apple (and the Genii in particular) are awesome people if you approach them in a nice way. I've known of many stories like this. Apple is a great company, and the people that work there genuinely have a passion for Apple products and making the customer love them too. While it's generally not their policy to do what they did, I'm glad you gave them the recognition they deserve. You would become a rockstar in that Apple Store if you wrote about your experience to [email protected] (seriously — he sends those down) or right now, [email protected] (Ron Johnson, head of the retail division). The store will remember you. 🙂

    Enjoy your new MBP! I'm jealous 🙂

  4. Kevin Loughlin on July 16, 2011 at 2:08 PM

    Thanks for the email contacts… I will certainly make my thanks known!

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