
GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 15)

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Sep 4, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin

Honoring Uncle Bob

The “Post Office” on Floreana

The evening we arrived in Ecuador, August 1, I received the sad news that Uncle Bob had passed away. He was 92.

Uncle Bob’s memorial at the Post Office

Two years ago we honored Uncle Bob, who happened to be born on Darwin’s birthday, February 12. The day Uncle Bob turned 90, Darwin would have been 200. See my post “Happy Birthday Chuck and Bob!” for more details on his life and how much I was influenced by him.

Russ, Dianne (my brother and sister-in-law), and I felt it was fitting to honor Uncle Bob at the Post Office… I am sure Uncle Bob was with us as we laid the hand-made plaque amongst the other memories left behind at this special place.

The Post Office is rich in history. The original rum barrel has been replaced many times by now, but for hundreds of years sailors would leave messages to loved ones in hopes that passing ships would carry their letters home to their intended recipients. The tradition carries on today through the many visitors to the Galapagos.

Uncle Bob was a fan of history. A member of the “Greatest Generation”, at 92 years old, he had lived history! He was an aviator, a bombardier on B-24s in WWII, LTC USAF – Retired, in the European Theater of Operation. Later a photo-journalist who covered many local news events in southeast PA. He had many stories to tell! He also loved nature and enjoyed carving herons, egrets and shorebirds from driftwood. (Lisa and I now proudly display one of his carvings in our family room.)

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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