
GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 11)

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Sep 2, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin

North Seymour Island is one of the ‘showcase’ locations for the Galapagos. Blue-footed Boobies nest here in large numbers, alongside Great and Magnificent Frigatebirds. (See our previous post on identifying frigatebirds.)

Blue-footed Booby males offer gifts of sticks and pebbles as they dance and sing, literally.

A ring of poop… what simpler nest could you design? This nest included a young chick and an egg that would probably not hatch.

The frigatebird nests were a bit less primitive. Built of sticks laid upon the low saltbush, I am surprised the eggs don’t roll off!

On this trip only a few distant male frigates offered full air sacks. This one was probably recently deflated so he could go feed.

This female Magnificent Frigatebird is sitting on an egg.

While this young Great Frigatebird waites to be fed!

Watch your step as Lava Lizards are everywhere here. We even found a few Land Iguanas, less common here.

Yellow (Mangrove) Warblers fed at our feet, gleaning insects from leaves as we passed.

Galapagos Doves pecked at the rocks… not sure what they were finding here!?

A few insects were present on North Seymour… a Spot-winged Glider here…

And the endemic Galapagos Sulphur which was chased several times by that young Great Frigatebird picture previously!

photos and text Kevin Loughlin

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