
GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 9)

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Aug 31, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Snorkeling at the island of Santa Fe is a different experience from many other locations. Here its not the color we seek, but the new experience. At Santa Fe can often swim alongside turtles, sharks and, as seen above, Spotted Eagle Rays!

Many other species of rays are visible here as well, like Diamond Sting Rays (above), Golden Rays and Marbled Rays. Not as plentiful and without the colorful background, there are still many fish here to enjoy!

Three-banded Butterflyfish
King Angel Fish

Coming up along the shoreline offered a fish-eye view of a hungry Blue-footed Booby! Thanks goodness I am too big to eat (at least for the booby)!

photos and text Kevin Loughlin


  1. Colleen on September 1, 2011 at 8:34 AM

    I love your blog and particularly these Galapagos photos!! But when I try to view the videos it says they are private and won't play.
    Thanks for posting so many great images!!

  2. Kevin Loughlin on September 1, 2011 at 10:49 AM

    Thanks for letting me know Colleen… I made the correction and you should be able to view the video now!


  3. Colleen on September 2, 2011 at 10:28 AM


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