
GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 5)

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Aug 29, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Snorkeling in the Galapagos is spectacular, offering some of the best underwater opportunities in the world. In the Galapagos, my favorite snorkeling location is at the base of Pinnacle Rock in Sullivan Bay.

Here we can often swim with Galapagos Penguins (seen here in the middle of the image on top of the dark rock). They seem to be curious creatures and will often jump in the water to join us as we blow bubbles and struggle along. They zip between and around with a grace and ease unknown to humans!

Colorful fish like the Panamic Fanged Blenny above surround us as we venture along the rocky seascape.

Chocolate Chip Stars (above) and Red Cushion Stars are quite plentiful. I am easily distracted by so many things to look at (can you say A-D-D?).

Though I am always on the lookout for sharks. Not to swim away from them, but rather to enjoy their grace and beauty as well!

Giant Hawkfish blend well into the rocky walls while other more colorful fish stand out.

Bulls-eye Puffers swim in the shallows and around the boats. As I stood knee-deep to take this shot, a Galapagos Penguin swam passed, brushing my leg with a ‘wing’! I didn’t get that photo, though.

Even Great Blue Herons seem unafraid of snorkelers. This bird kept fishing as I swam passed allowing a few photos. Unfortunately there was water on the lens that blurred the other images and this further shot was the best…

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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