
Grand Tetons Spring 2012: Day 4

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Jul 3, 2012 | by Kevin Loughlin
Arrowleaf Balsamroot

Cold. Freezing. Windy. Not a great day to get out and photograph, but we did! Frost covered some areas and snowflakes fell from time to time. We found a couple fields of wildflowers, but the breeze and cloudy, low-light conditions made photographing them difficult!

Using small aspen groves as wind-breaks helped, but still, not an easy situation for photography.

This young bull moose made a fun appearance and we were able to grab a few shots from the vehicles without scaring it… until another vehicle appeared.


On our way back to the lodge we came across this coyote sniffing out ground squirrels. You can see in the bottom pic he got one!

The rest of the day was spent downloading and processing images and having a group review and pizza bash!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin


  1. birdhouses on July 4, 2012 at 1:51 PM

    What a great day you had! Nice shots of the coyote!

  2. Wildside Nature Tours on July 4, 2012 at 2:28 PM

    Thanks! Every day is a great day in the Tetons! 🙂

  3. Wildside Nature Tours on July 25, 2012 at 11:46 AM

    Great Bennysmith… we hope you can join us someday!

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