
Galapagos Islands 2012: Part 9

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Oct 2, 2012 | by Kevin Loughlin

Red Cushion Star on Rabida Beach

After breakfast we had our first wet landing on Rabida’s red sand beach. Our group viewed Caribbean Flamingos in the saline pools and climbed to a couple spectacular viewing areas.



Ghost Crab on Rabida Beach



A Flamingo feeds in the hyper-saline pond on Rabida



View of Rabida from the hill trail




Blue-footed Booby feeding near the cliffs


Highlights of our hike included Galápagos Hawk, Lava Lizards, Prickly Pear Cacti with soft spines, diving Boobies and a Wandering Tattler.


Chocolate Chip Star



Red Cushion Star


The morning snorkel took place off of Rabida and included great viewing opportunities for sea lions, reef fish, sharks, sea turtles and roosting seabirds.


photos © Kevin Loughlin

text © Sarah Winnicki (Wildside Intern)

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