Montana Day 4
Jun 29, 2016 | by Greg Miller
Lots of driving happened today. We drove from Billings to Malta with one long but enjoyable pit stop at Charles M. Russell NWR. Although we did not add any new birds for the year, we had fun exploring the western portion of the refuge. The views were amazing!
And we got permission to go birding in an area that was not a part of the public auto tour.
As you can see, some of the roads were rather “adventurous”.
It was a long, but fun day exploring. Tomorrow we will visit Bowdoin NWR and maybe some points further east depending on time. No new birds were added for the year. Four new birds were added to the trip bring the total to 124 species.
10pm update! My intrepid co-leader, Chris Brown, went out with a few very hardy participants this evening. Scored 2 Short-eared Owls and a Gray Partridge. And as I write this update, a Sora is whinnying in the little pond behind our hotel. Yep. Montana delivers!