Montana Day 5
Jun 30, 2016 | by Greg Miller
Montana Day 5 is history. Was it a great day? Well, yes. Yes it was. The people who missed Gray Partridge last night got to see it today. And we found a Mountain Plover. And several Sharp-tailed Grouse (including babies!). And more Sprague’s Pipits (this time displaying) and Baird’s Sparrows, Chestnut-collared and McCown’s Longspurs, Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawks, and a Clark’s Grebe. Bam!
The water was blanketed with Eared Grebes. They were everywhere.
We had 93 species on the day bringing our trip total to 147 species. And the Big Year total is now 422 species. The views today represented the prairies and potholes of the Northern Great Plains. One can see for miles and miles. And the Montana Big Sky is displaying in all its beauty.
Check out the remaining tours at bigyeartours.com. Read live updates here at bigyearblog.com. And we are doing these tours to help support the ABA Young Birders program. You can read about them at youngbirders.aba.org.