
Quick Summaries for Remaining Tours

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Mar 4, 2016 | by Greg Miller

Next week I’m running off to Peru for an exciting riverboat cruise on the Amazon River with Wildside Nature Tours! This week I’m in Yardley, PA working on plans for next year’s tours. Just you wait and see!

Of the 11 Big Year tours, 2 are already complete–Southern California & Florida. Big Year total stands at 279 species.

2016 Big Year Tours

2016 Big Year Tours – check out for more info!


Tour 3 – April – Coastal Louisiana & Upper Texas – highest number of expected species for any of this year’s tours (227)

Tour 4 – May – West Virginia & Ohio – best for Eastern Warblers (over 30 species including Swainson’s Warbler)

Tour 5 – June – Maine, New Hampshire, & Vermont – best boreal species plus puffins

Tour 6 – June – Eastern Montana – best for grassland species including Baird’s Sparrow, Sprague’s Pipit, Chestnut-collared Longspur, and Lark Bunting

Tour 7 – August – Southeast Arizona – best for hummingbirds and best bang for your buck trip for lifers if you’ve never birded West of the Mississippi River

Tour 8 – September – Bay Area of California – best pelagic species potential and a great trip for Western specialties and yes, we’ll look for condors

Tour 9 – October – Olympic Peninsula of Washington – great Northwestern specialties and gorgeous scenery

Tour 10 – October – New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania – early winter birding and migrating raptors at both Cape May & Hawk Mountain

Tour 11 – November – Rio Grande Valley of Texas – finishing the year with a bang looking for South Texas specialties like Green Jays & Great Kiskadees and more

Some total species math:

Single best trip for total species: Tour 3 (227 species)

Best two trips for total species: Tour 3 + Tour 7 (331 species)

Best three trips for total species: Tour 3 + Tour 7 + Tour 9 (382 species)

Second best three trips for totals species: Tour 3 + Tour 7 + Tour 11 (381 species)

Hope to see you on some trips this year!


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