
25,000 is not very many…

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Mar 12, 2009 | by Kevin Loughlin

25,000 is a large number. However, it was less than one third the number of Snow Geese that were at the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Kleinfeltersville, PA the previous week. Over 80,000 Snow Geese covered the fields before our winter storm dropped around 5 inches of snow. Hiding the food from the geese, the snow caused a mass departure to more food friendly areas.

Unfortunately, our schedule did not match theirs, so Lisa and I took the opportunity we had to make our visit to Middle Creek. Lisa had never witnessed this migration spectacle which in the past has hosted up to 180,000 Snow Geese (in 2008) in the area for a two week period in early March. Add to that number as many as 5000 Tundra Swans, large numbers of Canada Geese and a number of other waterfowl species, and you have a wonderful day of birding!
The latest update as of 3/11/2009 has the Snow Goose numbers back up to about 60,000 and the Tundra Swan numbers dropping to 2000. You can see the reports if you go to the  Middle Creek WMA website you can get the latest update. If you live anywhere near Lancaster County, PA I would highly recommend a visit before the geese and swans depart for their breeding grounds in the far north!

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