
ALASKA: Frederick Sound (Continued)

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Jul 8, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin
Frederick Sound is one of the richest regions for wildlife in Alaska. Due to the abundance of food, sea mammals such as  seal lions, seals, whales and porpoises are also abundant. The Dall’s Porpoises (above) look like mini Orcas (Killer Whales) as they join us to ride the bow waves from time to time.

Thanks to many years of fur trading, sea otters were once difficult to find, however, they have come back incredibly well in recent years. We found many with pups along the edge of kelp beds and even in the open water.

Marbled Murrelets dove or flew as we slowly motored passed the otters. We also saw Common and Pacific Loons as well as one Red-throated Loon fly by.

Along the shoreline a Black Bear appeared and grazed on the seaside grass a snuffled through the tideline looking for delicious tidbits. It lumbered off, disappearing into the tall vegetation after a few minutes.

As we entered Chatham Straight, the Dall’s Porpoises joined us again… but this time we had even more excitement…

text, photos and video © Kevin Loughlin


  1. Water Sky on July 9, 2010 at 12:09 AM

    Great. Best bear and otter picture shoot you guys. Also it's warm in Alaska guys?

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