
ALASKA: Mitkof Island

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Jun 25, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin

Today we did more exploration on Mitkof Island. We started the day traveling south from Petersburg along the Mitkof Highway, which loosely follows the Wrangell Narrows. Our first stop was at one of my favorite locations on the island, Blind River Rapids.

Either direction along the Blind River offers photo opportunities. To get to the river, you must first traverse a comfortable wooden walkway through the muskeg ecosystem. During our walk we could hear Varied Thrush, Swainson’s Thrush and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. A few Pacific Slope Flycatchers were heard, though only one was briefly seen.

A stop at the Man Made Hole Picnic Area offered vivid reflections in the pond as well as great looks at an American Dipper.

A walk along the beach north of Petersburg offered more great scenery as well as fleeting glimpses of a pair of mink!

Thimbleberries (above) were in bloom along several paths while Salmon Berries were fruiting and nearly ready to pick. Next week I am sure they will be ripe!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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