
Antarctica Bound!!!

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Mar 11, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin
Gentoo Penguin © Martha Thomae

Lisa and I are off to Antarctica tomorrow! The ‘Ice Continent’ has been on both our bucket-lists for a long time, and our dream of visiting this far-off land is coming to fruition!

The image of the Gentoo Penguin was taken a couple years ago by my friend and tour client, Martha Thomae. This is just one of about 5 species of penguin we hope to see and photograph!

I won’t be leading a group, so this trip is just the two of us (on board a ship with about 70 other people). I hope to have plenty of time for photography and birding. So many pelagic seabirds I need to learn!

I doubt I will be able to do an blog posts while on the ship, however, I can’t wait to post images upon my return.

Anyone in the Philadelphia area will also be able to come to my Antarctica presentation for the Birding Club of Delaware County on May 12. Go to for more info on where and when for that meeting!

text © Kevin Loughlin

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