
Bald Eagle Chicks Hatch at Tinicum

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Apr 6, 2010 | by Adrian Binns

Great news… for the first time ever, Bald Eagles have successfully nested and hatched two chicks at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum, Philadelphia.

Female Bald Eagle at nest with 2 young – April 3, 2010  © Bill Buchanan

It has been several years now that Bald Eagles have been present at the refuge. Regular visitors often speculated when and if they would ever nest. Last spring we witnessed a pair carrying sticks and branches attempting to build a nest. Interestingly, last years nest was not enhanced this season, but rather they opted to construct a new one very close by.

Once on the brink on extinction our nation’s symbol of strength and pride, the Bald Eagle, has made a remarkable recovery. This is now the third known pair to nest in Philadelphia in as many years, having been absent for over a century.

We are all very excited about the two new chicks and hope that they will thrive and fledge successfully this summer.

photo © Bill Buchanan

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