
Big Sit 2014 – John Heinz NWR

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Oct 13, 2014 | by Adrian Binns
Big Sit, John Heinz NWR, Philadelphia PA

Big Sit, John Heinz NWR, Philadelphia PA


I was delighted to once again participate as one of the “Big Sitta’s” in the 5th BIG SIT at John Heinz NWR, Philadelphia PA, yesterday, October 12, 2014. Founded by the New Haven (CT) Birding Club and hosted by Bird Watchers Digest, this one-day international event provides a great opportunity for birders to engage in friendly competition and introduces new people to the exciting experience of birding and wildlife watching.


Dawn, John Heinz NWR, Philadelphia

Dawn, John Heinz NWR, Philadelphia


The chilly and damp morning began with a Great Horned Owl hooting at 5.28am followed by the honks and sqauwks of geese and myriad waterfowl in the expansive water impoundment.

The birding pace picked up rapidly as daylight emerged with new species added every few minutes. By daybreak we had 40 species and we soared passed our previous record of 77 at 11.07am, when we heard a Carolina Chickadee.  More than 200 friends and visitors joined the effort, all excited to experience the BIG SIT and learn about the impressive avian diversity at John Heinz NWR.


Mute Swans

Mute Swans


Our 88th and final species was Common Nighthawk at 6.19pm. We reflected on the extraordinary day shared with so many people and seeing a record number of birds. 6 new species, Mute Swan, Stilt Sandpiper, White-rumped Sandpiper, Brown Creeper, Red-eyed Vireo and Fish Crow were added to the list bringing the John Heinz NWR “Big Sitta’s” culmatitive 5-year BIG SIT list to 113.

-Adrian Binns

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