
Conservation through the Arts: Junior Duck Stamp

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Apr 24, 2010 | by Adrian Binns

The 2009 National Junior Duck Stamp Contest winner was announced today, and it goes to a young man from Ohio for his rendition of a male Hooded Merganser. This science and art program, and competition, is open to school children from kindergarden through high school, and is designed to connect them with the outdoors, learning about wetland habitat and waterfowl conservation.

At John Heinz NWR at Tinicum  there is currently an exhibit of entries from Pennsylvania’s junior artists (above), all of whom are to be highly commended for their outstanding talent and dedication to conserving the future of waterfowl.

Mark your calenders – July 1 – that is the date that both the Federal Duck Stamp and Junior Duck Stamp go on sale at the post office. As wildlife enthusiasts, and hopefully conservationists, we should all make an effort to purchase a $15 Duck Stamp and $5 Junior Duck Stamp.

About 1.8 million stamps are purchased each year, and 98% of that money goes towards purchasing wetland habitat for wildlife. $15 a year will get you free access into any National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in the country. That has to be one of the best bargains of a lifetime! For us in the Delaware Valley or Tri-State region, that means free access into John Heinz NWR at Tinicum (Philadelphia PA), Edwin B. Forsythe “Brigantine” NWR (NJ) and Bombay Hook NWR. Those are just three of 551 NWR’s one can visit in the United States.

If you are in the area please stop by the Cusano Visitors Center at John Heinz NWR to view this wonderful exhibit, and see Allicia Capretti’s Wood Ducks (above) that was awarded Pennsylvania’s Best of Show.

For more information on the Junior Duck Stamp and connecting children with nature through science and art, please visit

For more information on the Federal Duck Stamp Program please visit

   all photos © adrian binns

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